Monday, March 12, 2012

Home made table

Now that is a good table thing. I made this using the getting started with SketchUp final tutorial. This taught me how to make components and objects. I also learnt the different between both. When you edit a component all of the same components are edited as well. However if there are two of the same objects you can edit one and the other one is not affected. I also worked on curves, follow me tool and the measuring tapes. I had an issue with the front draws and the tape measure tool. I tried to mark in the middle with the measuring tape but it did not allow me to. I don't know why this was but I fixed it by marking in the lines myself with the pencil tool and then just erasing them once I did not need them. Apparently this is called healing the surface. All in all I am happy with what I have learnt about Google SketchUp with only four video tutorials. 

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