Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cave time :D

If you haven’t guessed already I am going to make a sort of dungeon type thing in Google Sketch-up like something you would find in a video game. In order to start this I needed to create an entrance to the dungeon so I decided to use a cave.

Looks very cave like doesn't it? Well it may not be cave like yet but eventually it will be. The lines on either side are the same distance from the ends. I made these lines to make sure that my soon to be curved edges are even. Then again who has heard of an even cave but I could not stand making something that is un-even...isn't that a sign of OCD?

See I told you the lines were going to do something. I used the curve tool and selected the bottom corner of one of the lines then clicked the top corner of the same line. I then brought the line out by the same distance on both sides and thus my curved cave was created. I still needed to fix up a few things so I guess the curved cave was not really created yet.

The first thing I needed to fix up was the curves I had just made. I needed to get rid of the excess in order for it to actually be curved. I also needed to erase some of the un-needed lines. I was stuck on this at first because it was deleting the whole surface not the line. This was fixed once I looked at the erase tool a bit more and saw that if you hold shift and click on a line it will only delete that line. This will really help me out in the future when I have to heal the surface (deleting un-needed lines). Now that the sides were all nice I needed to make the top of the cave curved.

Adding the top curve was pretty simple all I had to do was repeat what I did with the side curved but only do it once because there is only one top. I then needed to use the push and pull tool to make sure the curves go from the beginning of the cave to the end. Once that was done my cave was complete. However as you can see some of the sides where different colours and at first I did not know how to fix it.

The only solution to my problem I found was to use the paint bucket tool and make all the sides the same colour. Now that the basics of my cave are complete I need to only do a few things to it. I need to work out how to download new textures and get a more cave like one for the colour of my cave. I also need to hollow out the front of the cave so it is an entrance. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Project hint

What has generic heroes, gelatinous ooze, skeletons and chests full o' loot?

The castle that wasn't meant to be

Hi internet I was going to make a castle but upon seeing that people were already doing that I will cease construction. I will still  however show you all what I did to start my castle.
 So I started off with a box which from memory was 10m x 30m in size.

Once the box was  made I needed to start making a door. Since I like having things even I measured the half-way point. Once I had done that I measured the middle point from the middle point to the ends. I then did a measuring line up to about 4m so I could create a curved part for the top of the door.
I added some rectangles and a curved top and then I cleaned up some of the lines and my door was complete.
Now what does every castle need? Yes pointy bits on top. In order to make these ones I made one square in the corner and brought it up by about 5m. I then made measuring lines to the other side in order to make both the front ones even.
Now there are some hardcore measuring lines. After completing all four pointy bits I remembered that I could have used the push and pull tool and just move my mouse to the first pointy corner and it would match up. There was no need for all the measuring lines. :( This made me sad but I was happy I got more work done with the measuring tape tool.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Home made table

Now that is a good table thing. I made this using the getting started with SketchUp final tutorial. This taught me how to make components and objects. I also learnt the different between both. When you edit a component all of the same components are edited as well. However if there are two of the same objects you can edit one and the other one is not affected. I also worked on curves, follow me tool and the measuring tapes. I had an issue with the front draws and the tape measure tool. I tried to mark in the middle with the measuring tape but it did not allow me to. I don't know why this was but I fixed it by marking in the lines myself with the pencil tool and then just erasing them once I did not need them. Apparently this is called healing the surface. All in all I am happy with what I have learnt about Google SketchUp with only four video tutorials. 

Windows :D

Now aren't those lovely windows. The third getting started with SketchUp tutorial helped me make this interior of a house. I learned a bit more about the push/pull tool and the offset tool. I learned how to duplicate these effects easily by the use of inference points and double clicking. This sped up things a lot. I also learned the basics of the measuring tape tool. This is what made all my windows even. I managed to apply textures and colours throughout the house with the paint bucket tool. I also learnt how to download models from the 3D Warehouse. I had an issue with my chair. In order to rotate it I needed to see the top of it and click on a red square and drag. The roof stopped me from seeing this. After five minutes of being frustrated I realised I should just move the chair out of the room. Once I had done this it was easy to rotate. I was disappointed in myself that it took me that long to work it out :(. At least I know how to do it now.

Fancy house

See now isn't that fancy. I made this more advanced house with the second getting started with SketchUp video tutorial. With this I learned how to select multiple lines, use measurements with drawing/pushing and pulling, use the offset tool, use the follow me tool and draw a parallel line. I did not face any problems with this tutorial because it was fairly basic to follow. I am fairly happy with the amount of progress I am making with this new program.

First tutorial complete

Hello internet today I watched a tutorial on the basics of Google SketchUp. I learned about navigation tools, how to draw rectangles, how to use inference points and make a roof and chimney for a house. At the end of this tutorial I gave my basic house design some steps and windows. The issues I faced was the windows being at different heights. I fixed this by drawing a straight line from the first window and basing the second window on this line. I then erased the un-needed lines. However the windows were not equal distance from the door but this was only due to my lack of wanting to make them even in distance. All in all I am pretty happy with what I did. I plan on watching the second part to the getting started video tutorials by the end of the night.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tutorial time <= this link will be my friend. I will need to watch them all. They are bound to help fix my duck up and make him better. I will be back with more Google SketchUp knowledge because knowledge is power.

My duck

I made this duck while messing around in Google SketchUp. I had an issue with moving the rectangles from one point to another. I will find out how to fix this later on but for now I shall continue making different ducks. Maybe I should just watch some tutorials.

In the beginning...

There once was a S.E.A.L I.T project and this is the start of that project.