Monday, March 12, 2012

Windows :D

Now aren't those lovely windows. The third getting started with SketchUp tutorial helped me make this interior of a house. I learned a bit more about the push/pull tool and the offset tool. I learned how to duplicate these effects easily by the use of inference points and double clicking. This sped up things a lot. I also learned the basics of the measuring tape tool. This is what made all my windows even. I managed to apply textures and colours throughout the house with the paint bucket tool. I also learnt how to download models from the 3D Warehouse. I had an issue with my chair. In order to rotate it I needed to see the top of it and click on a red square and drag. The roof stopped me from seeing this. After five minutes of being frustrated I realised I should just move the chair out of the room. Once I had done this it was easy to rotate. I was disappointed in myself that it took me that long to work it out :(. At least I know how to do it now.

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