Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The castle that wasn't meant to be

Hi internet I was going to make a castle but upon seeing that people were already doing that I will cease construction. I will still  however show you all what I did to start my castle.
 So I started off with a box which from memory was 10m x 30m in size.

Once the box was  made I needed to start making a door. Since I like having things even I measured the half-way point. Once I had done that I measured the middle point from the middle point to the ends. I then did a measuring line up to about 4m so I could create a curved part for the top of the door.
I added some rectangles and a curved top and then I cleaned up some of the lines and my door was complete.
Now what does every castle need? Yes pointy bits on top. In order to make these ones I made one square in the corner and brought it up by about 5m. I then made measuring lines to the other side in order to make both the front ones even.
Now there are some hardcore measuring lines. After completing all four pointy bits I remembered that I could have used the push and pull tool and just move my mouse to the first pointy corner and it would match up. There was no need for all the measuring lines. :( This made me sad but I was happy I got more work done with the measuring tape tool.

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