Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Planning process

Hello internet how was your weekend? Now what does every good project need? Yep you guessed it a plan and if you didn't you know what the anwser is now. At the start of this Inkscape project I had an idea for my logo which had stuck with me ever since I had first thought of it. I wanted to do the hammer and sickle logo but make it a bit more personal. But what could I do to make this represent me? I thought that the two things would have to look like the original but still some how represent myself. Then it hit me; a head set. Now that the sickle part was taken care of I still needed to thing of something that could look like a hammer. I thought at first things like keyboards and mice but I was not happy with this. Then it hit me once again; a retro joy stick. So I know had the main concepts for my logo being a headset and a joystick. See below for pictures of my idea.

The orignal logo
The sickle
The hammer

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