Sunday, April 22, 2012

The end is near

Hello internet, I hope you have had a good day. With my Google SketchUp project I plan on making one more thing then my room will be complete. This will be my futon. After doing this my room will basically be complete, minus a few things like random junk on the floor, my stacks of video games and a window. The first thing I needed to make was a black rectangular prism which will be the mattress of the futon. This is what it looked like.
 With this finished I needed to add the base of the futon which was just a matter of me adding a few rectangles and some lines to separate things that needed to be separated.  This is what the base looked like once I did this.
I also painted the top half brown to represent the cover of the futon. My futon was nearly complete all I needed to add now was the feet of the futon. All I needed to do is add four circles in the corners of the base. This is what it looked like.
My futon was now complete and ready to be moved into my room and with that my basic room was complete.

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