Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fatal error

Sometime during my project my walls somehow turned out to be un-even even though they were even at the start. All my walls seemed to no longer match up with each other which did prove to be very bothersome. The only solution I could see to this problem was deleting all the un-even walls and then creating all the walls again. This is what it looked like after I raged and deleted all my walls expect the ones I needed.
Now with the old walls out of the way I could start making my new ones. Sounds easy right? Wrong. All I needed to do was draw a line on the green axis which will give me a straight line in  > this direction. When I tried to do this, this happened.
There is no way anyone can say that that line is a straight and flat line. It drew it on the green axis but it still did that whole arching up thing. Why is it doing this now? It did nothing of the sorts before when I drew lines on that axis. I googled and googled and found no help what so ever. I had a problem which I had no idea how to fix. But then it hit me. I didn't start off from the origin point. This one little thing messed up my whole project from the start and I didn't notice it till the end.

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