Saturday, April 14, 2012

New idea....again

Hello internet how are you going? That is good to hear. Yeah I have been good as well thank you for asking. Okay now that the formalities are taken care of it is time to get down to business. I know I did say that I was going to make a cave type dungeon thing but upon further reflection I realised that to make it look good it would take ages and most likely require me to just import a whole bunch of objects, which I feel is not the point of this project. So I had decided that I am going to recreate my room, exciting I know.

First thing I needed to do before I could start anything was measure my walls. I want my Google SketchUp room to be the same size as my actual room. This will mainly help with the placement of furniture (I hope). The first problem I faced was this.
I was too short to reach the top of my wall in order to measure it correctly. The solution to my problem was a simple chair and it did help me measure those hard to reach places.
 Now that height was no issue I managed to measure the height of my walls. It turned out to be 244.5 centimetres. Now that height was out of the way I needed to measure the width of my walls. I found this impossible to do so without another person to help me hold the measuring tape. So to fix this problem I asked my dad to help me measure. He was more than happy to help and we managed to get the job done faster than I imagined.

Now with all the measurements of my walls set up I could finally start making it in Google SketchUp. Everything was going fine until this happened.
 Even though I typed in the measurements correctly for some reason (which is unknown) the rectangle was not the correct size. To fix this I did the following.
I used the measuring tape tool to mark the correct height of the wall and then I used the line tool to draw the correct height of the wall. Once this was done I used the erase tool to get rid of the excess wall. Now that the height was correct I used the measuring tool to see if the width was the correct size. The measuring tape tool said that the width was 2.44 metres. This means that my wall's width and height had be switched over. To fix this I just erased the wall and typed in the measurements again but swapped their order. This ended up fixing my problem.

This is the finished product of all the walls in my room. I think it does look like my room minus the furniture, door and window. Looking at my room like this I realised how weird the entrance to my room really is.

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